You will know my name when I"ll meet you in
Just my only opportunity of having been your dad on earth will have been lost.
I will keep loving you yet, whenever I"ll meet you in heaven
(even if not having known me on earth keeps my love away from you there too).
Just you won't be my child anymore once in heaven, and maybe you"ll have
not ever been.
Just the only opportunity for you to having been my beloved kid and friend on
will have been wasted, will have been lost, will have been changed for lack
(remark: lack is the most addictive and destructive psychoactive substance
people fall inadvertently in).
I will cry then as I cry now, when I"ll meet you
in heaven.
I will cry for all the good that could have been and will have not.
I will cry for a forthcoming eternity of lack between us. And only God will
fill my lack.
I will know you by the name I sacredly gave you, when I"ll meet you in
I will know you when I"ll meet you in heaven, even though I don't
your nights and your days, your desires and emotions, I don't know
your searches and longings, your hopes, the redeeming path of your tears and
your smiles.
For the Goodness of God, right today we are changing
ourselves yet, giving
birth to bodies and souls, and form accomplishing with the divine to our minds,
yet in this matrix of time crossed with space crossed with mind.
For the Goodness of God, right today we are still on earth, meaning that just
today everything can turn into the worth and the good, into the fearless
fields where Love serves a common thread for the blessed adventure
we are invited to share here. Today will happen, if you will. I'm by your side,
at every moment every day in pray, in understanding, in warming light.