ב"ה voces de letras de cosas con y sin pensamiento a elección en cada ocasión del corazón קול אמרי דבר ודברים נאמרים לא תמיד בהשתתפות המחשבה לפי קביעת האהבה הטבעית למתיקות ונועם האמת
domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016
TIKKUN OF A DEEP SORROW I wanted to reveal from deep inside how to react effectively to a very dark struggle that stacked painfully my conciousness for many weeks. I found myself stepping to begin into the force, in the majestic and efortless manifestation of the sephirah of Yesod, the male foundation, having fertilized with all the lights the Malchut, the kingdom of this very real world, and gratefully carrying the rectified light back to the heights, in form of gracefull self-control and pure goodness. The next step of my tikun-amendment goes one place above to "le pendu", the peacefully meditative hanging rule, whose feet go upwards while his head, his mind, ponders everything related to life in the physical world, without touching or being touched by it at all. It's all about Hod, gratitude, being offered to the. High. Everything can be questioned, refuted, turned, modified, when at the end of this stage i"ll touch back the earth and walk on it. The second step, the fairy fairless expectation for whatever has to come, clean of prejudices, willing good and ready to accept it, takes the Yesod of the first step into a superior level, in direct Light: from "doing and influencing" mode to "receiving and keep in heart" mode: in my third step, the wise hermit lives in shalom, and attends to the world from his hidden retreat, to benefit it with his spiritual force and his wisdom: now i'm ready, when the opportunity comes, to fecundate the reality with my force, my magic, my dreams. Once the Yesod was amended -in the figure of the hermit- to receive and concentrate the lights of all the qualities and measures above him, the tikun has to be completed with the appropiate acts and facts that reflex the spirit of the previous steps altogether, making the necessary amendments to my real life on earth that will convert it in an expression of tevunah, reason and wisdom, symbolized by the way in which the dark Malchut ascends to get absorbed in Binah-comprehension, in the figure of a full Moon in intimate relation with the sun, that feeds and illuminates and beautifies and shelters her, while all creatures on earth yearn and desire her, get blessed of her light, and ...
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